Monday, March 8, 2010

amjad is training the toilet training

Potty Training...Is Your Child Ready?

Been There! Done That! Toilet Training
Tips By Lisa Julian

Toilet Training should be a fun and exciting experience for both you and your child. Remember, your child should feel in control of the process, not you. Take a slow, casual, matter-of-fact approach, and make it fun!

Always encourage and praise your child.
Do not begin training until your child shows signs that he/she is ready.
Every child is different. Most are ready for potty training between two and two and a half years old (some as young as 18 months or as old as 3 years).

Start at a time when you can spend a lot of time together- when your child is eager to please you and there are no major distractions or traumatic events in his/her life (new sibling, divorce, moving, new caretaker, etc.).

Never pressure or punish your child for unsuccessful attempts at using the potty.
Most of all, be patient! Your child will learn to use the potty when he or she is ready (and not before!).

15 Signs of readiness for potty training
Your child is ready for potty training when he or she:

1. Has bowel movements at about the same time every day
2. Can stay dry for a few hours or wakes up dry from sleep
3. Knows that he/she has to go to the bathroom
4. Understands the association between dry pants and using the potty
5. Can pull her pants up and down
6. Lets you know when he/she has soiled his/her diaper (likes to stay dry)
7. Can follow simple directions like, "lets go to the potty"
8. Understands potty training terms (wet, dry, pee, poop, dirty and potty)
9. Can tell you he/she has to go to the bathroom
10. Imitates other family members
11. Shows interest and asks question while watching you
12. Wants to do things "by myself"
13. Enjoys washing his/her hands (like to be clean)
14. Gets upset if his/her belongings are not in their proper place
15. Wants to please you!


weekend baru nih, merupakah weekend kedua amjad faheem memulakan sesi toilet training dia

ekceli, ktrg tak de la stress sgt nak suh dia buang diapers
tp sebab sekarang cuaca adalah amat panas dan berlengas, serta berpeluh lagi melekit
maka anak teruna saya yg sorang ni, yg tak tahan panas telah mula bosan memakai diaper lantaran kulit bontot dan pinggang beliau akan gatal2 peluh dan beliau akan asek tergaru2

so solution agar beliau tak rasa rimas adalah dgn menanggalkan diaper dan biarkan bontot beliau dlm keadaan "rehat"

saya ckp kat arjuna, "mungkin inilah masanya kita buleh mula toilet train amjad, kan kekanda?"

arjuna a.k.a kekanda saya pon bersetuju, wpon tidak lah memberi jawapan seperti; "benar kata2 mu adinda, intan payung gunung berapi ku. kanda setuju banget"

masa kat JJ ipoh, kami telah merasuah atau memberi mangkin kepada anak teruna dgn mbeli beliau 3 keping spender bergambo otomen, berwarna biru laut, hitam pekat dan maroon...stylo sehhh anak teruna gua kalu jd model spender ginih!

maka, hari pertama dlm latihan, beliau menunjukkan prestasi yg agak baik.mummy bg 3/5 stars bebeh sbb dia cuma sekali tershi-shi atas katil, tu pon sempat "pause" skjp sbb babah kata "tahan amjad, tahan...babah bwk pi toilet"

pas tu 2nd time tershi-shi adalah ketika bangun dr tido dlm keadaan di maapkan la sbb tgh moody lalu mummy tak dpt nak pujuk bwk pi toilet. (ok, kalo moody boleh di maapkan sbb kalo mummy moody pon, babah tak leh nak ajak wat apa pon...ehh...jgn pikir ke lain tau.i mean babah tak leh nak ajak pi shopping, kalo mummy moody,hihihihi)

tp kat umah pengasuh masa weekdays, saya tak de pon nak suruh2 pengasuh toilet train-kan amjad sbb saya pon tahu kot dia tak de masa nak bwk2 amjad pi toilet, tanya2 kan dia setiap jam "nak shi-shi tak? " and so on la kan... kang tak pepasal pengasuh dia lak yg stress dan tension sbb dpt task baru. hahah

sabtu dan ahad baru ni, saya start again toilet training kat dia dan telah membeli pemangkin baru iaitu toilet bowl or potty pot kaler biru kat Anakku yg wat member's sales.

dah ada potty tu lg excited la dia nak shi-shi.

first time shi-shi dlm tu, siap nak shi-shi lagik 2 min pas tu...hadoi...ada ke air kencing anak oiiiii...

tp so far so good la...sepanjang 2 hari tu, sekali je dia terlepas sbb sibuk melompat2 masa tgk iklan kid and cash...yg lelain leh di katakan excellent la jugak

cuma yg tak tahan...kena asek tgk jam je la, sbb nak fix kan time every hour kena tanya...

tak pe la, usaha tangga kejayaan

mebi, before hit 3 years old, anak teruna ni dah leh fully diaper-less la kot, insyaAllah.sebab yg penting, next year dah kena sekolah, so no-more-diapers la sayang.....